Our Faith


The Mission of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Omaha, Nebraska, is to reach out in love:

  • by sharing the Good News
  • by doing Christ’s work
  • by welcoming all who hunger for God, no matter where they are in their faith journey
  • by creating many kinds of sacred time and sacred space.

so that together we will all grow in faith.


Our vision is to be a multi-generational church, appreciating the gifts of all ages, and faithfully nurturing the life-long spiritual journey of each individual.


Believe. Belong. Become.

Believe – Our tradition is one of religious freedom and responsibility. We want you to have the freedom to believe what you believe, but also the responsibility to live out those beliefs with others. As a result of our responsibility to share our beliefs in community some ideas will be strengthened and some will evolve. We trust God’s Spirit; we do not tell you what to believe nor do we expect you to check your mind at the door. Doubts and questions are welcomed as together we struggle with the profound mysteries of life and faith.

Belong – Life is a journey and this journey is enriched and sustained by others—persons who share the same compass, who help us find our “true north” so we don’t get lost. As a part of First Christian Church, we belong to a community of travelers who help each other over the rough spots, who hold one another accountable, and who provide bread for this journey we call life.

Become – God loves us just as we are, and God loves us too much to let us stay just as we are. New life in Christ is not a one-time experience but a life-long adventure. We invite you to live that adventure in community of faith.

We believe…

…that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, but have no other creed and require no other confession.
…that we are meant to be open to differences of opinion and accept and respect people who have doubts and questions.
…in the ministry of all people. Women, men, and youth are involved in all areas of the church’s life and work.
…that celebration of the Lord’s Supper is central to our worship. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper weekly. All believers are welcome to receive communion, regardless of their faith background.
…in baptism by immersion at an age of understanding but respect and accept all forms of baptism.