Believe. Belong. Become.

Worship With Us!

Worship in-person at 10:00 a.m. or on our Vimeo at 10:00 a.m. for online live-stream worship

A place to be received in love

I’m New…


We are so glad you have stopped by to learn about this vibrant community of faith, which has been a part of the city of Omaha for over 150 years. First Christian is a great place to deepen your Christian faith through worship, service, study and fellowship. Together with people from various life circumstances, interests and ages you will find a welcoming space to entertain your heartfelt questions and respond to God’s unmerited grace. I invite you to look around and come and join in God’s work…

Rev. Joshua Sawyer  |  Senior Minister

Worship Services

At First Christian Church, we offer Sunday School and Sunday worship services in different styles to suit our congregation’s unique needs.

Spiritual Enrichment

Join us at 9:00 a.m. on Sundays for adult and youth Sunday School.


Join us in person or online on Vimeo on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. We’ll have hymns, a children’s moment, prayers, a scripture reading, a mediation as well as communion.

At-Home Sunday School

AHSS Gift of Years: Learning (Lesson 16)

Our Valentines have been sent or are being delivered, and we are sharing our love and friendship through our messages in them. Remember the loved ones who were here before you and the notes of love they sent. Share the stories with the next generations to implant the history of your family in them. Our book, The Gift of Years; Growing Old Gracefully, by Joan Chittister reinforces the need for these stories to be passed on. In your quiet reading space, I hope that you can recall the stories that were passed down to you as you go through these lessons. Share them while you have the chance!

AHSS Gift of Years: Letting Go (Lesson 15)

Our Valentines have been sent or are being delivered, and we are sharing our love and friendship through our messages in them. Remember the loved ones who were here before you and the notes of love they sent. Share the stories with the next generations to implant the history of your family in them. Our book, The Gift of Years; Growing Old Gracefully, by Joan Chittister reinforces the need for these stories to be passed on. In your quiet reading space, I hope that you can recall the stories that were passed down to you as you go through these lessons. Share them while you have the chance!

AHSS Gift of Years: Tale-Telling (Lesson 14)

As we enter February, I hope that you have been enjoying the season of Winter. Yes, there have been some bone chilling days, but we have had easy travels and more sunshine than grey days. Sister Joan is letting us know what the Winter Season of our lives can be or what we can make them. I hope your conversations and journaling help you to see aging in a new way. I know that her insights have changed my perspective on how I might move forward in my “Late Fall” season as I get ready for my “Winter”. I hope you are reading along in the book The Gift of Years, Growing Older Gracefully. There are many other insights that are not included in the lessons that can help your understanding.






6630 Dodge Street
Omaha, NE  68132

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